The Mother's Day Bouquet
Made by our florist in the signature style of The Bloem, modern but natural with a garden fresh feel.
A chic bouquet that includes roses and lots of other gorgeous blooms to show your love to Mum.
This is an upright bouquet made just for you to collect in store. We don’t post these UK wide but can arrange a local Carlisle delivery - please give us a call directly for this on 01228 272180.
the details:
each bouquet uses a mix of colours chosen by our florist, each bouquet is unique and will be made just for you.
available for collection in the shop from 26/03 - 29/03. Please note we are not open on Mother’s Day 30/03.
A gift card is included, you can add a message at checkout
please bring your order confirmation email with you when you collect
size option ‘ extra large’ is used in the pictures
Made by our florist in the signature style of The Bloem, modern but natural with a garden fresh feel.
A chic bouquet that includes roses and lots of other gorgeous blooms to show your love to Mum.
This is an upright bouquet made just for you to collect in store. We don’t post these UK wide but can arrange a local Carlisle delivery - please give us a call directly for this on 01228 272180.
the details:
each bouquet uses a mix of colours chosen by our florist, each bouquet is unique and will be made just for you.
available for collection in the shop from 26/03 - 29/03. Please note we are not open on Mother’s Day 30/03.
A gift card is included, you can add a message at checkout
please bring your order confirmation email with you when you collect
size option ‘ extra large’ is used in the pictures
Made by our florist in the signature style of The Bloem, modern but natural with a garden fresh feel.
A chic bouquet that includes roses and lots of other gorgeous blooms to show your love to Mum.
This is an upright bouquet made just for you to collect in store. We don’t post these UK wide but can arrange a local Carlisle delivery - please give us a call directly for this on 01228 272180.
the details:
each bouquet uses a mix of colours chosen by our florist, each bouquet is unique and will be made just for you.
available for collection in the shop from 26/03 - 29/03. Please note we are not open on Mother’s Day 30/03.
A gift card is included, you can add a message at checkout
please bring your order confirmation email with you when you collect
size option ‘ extra large’ is used in the pictures